Wednesday, June 25, 2008


It's been three weeks without my cello, and a month since I played.
I'm going crazy. I thought a break would be good for me, but I didn't think that break was going to be more than a month...but the break has been good. I've been able to think about things other than cello, and this has definitely shown me that this is what I want and need to do. That said, I want to play again. NOW. The excerpts are out for college auditions, and I need to get those prepared, and I just need to play again. But it makes me happy that I'm going crazy- it definitely proves to me that I was right the whole time, that this is something I can't do without, and it completely validates my choice to switch from education to performance.

I am a month removed from high school, and I never want to go back. I went to Orientation a couple weeks ago, and while it was completely pointless, I had a really good time, and I'm excited for school...and that brings me to the next one.

In two months, I will be legal and a college student. Hells yes.
First- I will be legal. 18. Able to buy porn and cigarettes and such. Exciting, I suppose, but the birthday I'm really looking forward to is 21.
Second- I will be a college student. I have a pretty easy schedule for the fall semester- only 14 units. Most of those are music classes- class piano, harmony, sight-singing, lessons, 2 orchestras, a choir, and then the honors seminar and english. I'm just excited to be in college.

Enough milestones and countdowns.
I'm still looking for a job.
I still have amazing friends.
I still have a great guy.
I still want it to be August.

Friday, June 20, 2008

It's outrageous

how happy I am right now.

I have amazing friends.
I have a mostly amazing family.
And I have an amazing boy.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


She's done.
I encourage everyone to read Brilliant at Breakfast's take on it...

That's what I was going to say.

In other news, I saw the Strangers tonight. Fucking awesome. I love horror movies almost as much as I love roller coasters and music. Hooray for adrenaline rushes. Obviously isn't going to happen to me, but I still scared myself when I came home. The movie ended up being funny, just because every time something even slightly frightening happened, future roomie screamed. Yep.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Here's numero uno on the list of Things That Bug The Crap Out of Me.
1) Somehow, just because I'm young, my opinion doesn't matter as much or at all. Sorry, but I have opinions too. And my opinions are going to change the world. So suck it up and listen, dammit.

That said, here is one of those opinions.
HRC needs to give it up. She needed to give it up a long time ago.

At first, I was super excited about her candidacy, just like I was when Pelosi became Speaker of the House. I love that I'm coming of age in a time when women can and do run the free world- Oprah, anyone?- and that just gets me so excited for the next generation of women, born into a world where a woman can do almost anything. But it's the fact that it's only an almost that gets me. We still only make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. It is still a man's world. Moreover, it's a white man's world. But I am SO tired of HRC and Geraldine Ferraro and Chris Matthews saying that she's only losing because she is a woman. That is complete and utter horsecrap. That may be a reason, but it isn't the only reason. She came in thinking she could run another Bill race- at the time, a majority liked him and his policies. He brought in some change, yeah. But the change that this generation is looking for is not a Clinton-era change. We want a complete overhaul to a corrupt and broken system, and Clinton can't give us that. I'm not even sure Obama can, but the politics that he embraces aren't the mudslinging, Swiftboating politics of our parents' generation. Maybe I am completely wrong on this...but I would rather not have to choose between Dubya2.0 and a Democrat that reaches so far across the aisle she risks falling into their laps. More of the same.

Do I need to make my point a bit clearer?

Yes, we need a female President. But not her. Not now.

Hmm. Somehow I went from a feminism rant to an anti-HRC rant to a politics as usual rant. weeee!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

i am a child at heart

Today consisted of-
Waking up late, watching baseball, swimming, eating steak, Target, Starbucks, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, future roomie's house for a Disney Princess coloring party.

Yes, we went to three different places before buying 50 colored pencils, 120 crayons, and 3 GIANT coloring books- Disney Princesses, Disney Fairies, and one that had The Incredibles, Toy Story 2, and Monsters Inc. It sounds like a completely childish thing to do, but holy crap was it fun. I colored most of a picture of Ariel before I had to be home. :) Yay for random coloring. It's very relaxing and I now know what my pastime (while not practicing) is going to be in college. COLORING. yess.

I take my cello in tomorrow. Viola boy has to take his viola in too, so he's doing me a huge favor and taking me along. So. No instrument to practice for at least two weeks, which gives me an excuse to 1) not have lessons 2) not make any progress at all on anything 3) be a lazy ass for awhile. Hoorah.