Yeah, you read that right. I'm back in orchestra. I got a facebook message from my high school orchestra director (side note: LOL ex director facebook) that basically said one of the UA orchestras is light on the low end and needs cellists. I pondered that for awhile, and then decided what the hell. Nothing to lose by going to talk to the conductor, right? Well, I've now been set up with an instrument, my work schedule has been altered, and I guess I'm a member of the UA Phil.
Bwah? All in the space of 24 hours. I'm glad I'm doing it, though. I do miss playing. I don't miss being in a practice room forever. It'll be a good way to meet people. I think it'll be good for me, honestly. And the phil is the non-major orchestra, so it's less of a time commitment (2 concerts a semester instead of 4 or 5)
First up...Comparative Religions. Now, because it's a gen ed class and not a religions dept class, we're only covering the Abrahamic religions. I'm pretty bummed about that, not gonna lie, but it seems like it'll be a good class. I've heard the teacher is biased towards Christianity, but pretends not to be, so that'll be interesting, but so far, he just seems like a jolly older gent who has lots of stories to tell. This will more than likely be my easiest class.
Next...That One I Can Never Remember the Name Of. Actually, it's Many Ways of Being Human. As far as the instructor says, the course is mainly about inequalities in the world and environmental issues. Odd combo, but okay. The textbooks are (apparently, I haven't cracked them yet) written by a "radical sociologist" and then the 2006 World Bank something or other, so that we get "both sides." Uhh huh. Sure. Both sides. The prof says "hokayyy?" a lot and is very sweaty. This one will be pretty easy too, no tests or quizzes, just homework and an optional (!) final.
Break time!
LING 178. The Mathematics of Language and Linguistics. I was so excited for this class, and then I went in and it's taught by a Chinese grad student. Greeaaaat. More difficult, but not impossible.
My last class of the day (after a 2 hour break) is physics 102. Also taught by a grad student, but he's in his 6th year of PhD work, so I trust him a bit more. This is going to make or break my semester, and therefore my gpa. I took physics my junior year of high school and worked my ass off for a B, so I'm hoping enough of the conceptual stuff stuck and it'll just be the math I have problems with.
Um, yeah, I think that's it. Other than I need my paycheck so I can put money on my meal plan.
I'm going to get an instrument tomorrow, then I have one class, a 2 hour break, work, and orchestra.
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