Saturday, September 12, 2009

How I feel today.

I am depressed. I miss my boy. I feel guilty as fuck for flirting with boys who don't know me (or him). I'm proud of myself for deciding I'm not hiding anymore. I'm tired. I'm sick of drunks and the male portion of the human race. I can't wait to see Wesley again.

I'm lonely.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I'm sorry you are lonely. My heart is with you?

Also, seriously, don't feel guilty. You are beautiful and flirting without intention is necessary i think. I do it occasionally? It is a way to connect and if you are feeling lonely it is a way to just remind yourself that people are out there. <3

Also, my human check word is "pungum" which cracks me up and I have no idea why?