Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pissed the fuck off.

I look like hell. I feel like hell.

Last night at work, I threw up twice. Had diarrhea the entire damn time, too. Couldn't stand up for most of my shift.

Today, I try to find someone to cover me, but no one is calling me back. So I call my manager to ask her what I should do. My answer? Yelling about how we always call out (my first time in the almost 6 months I've been there) and that I need to go in because "everyone else is working" Then the assistant manager from my store calls me and tells me that she talked to our manager and she said if I don't come in tonight, I'll lose some hours next week (I only have 15 to start with)

I have been sick since Wednesday night. I didn't work Thursday (day off). I tried to work yesterday, and was of no use to anyone. Today, I try to call in, and they threaten my job.

So, as of now, I'm planning on going in, looking exactly how I feel, and "working". And then, once I'm feeling better, I'll be looking for a new job. This bullshit isn't worth 7.25 an hour. Sorry.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Busy busy busy

I just realized it's been like 3 months since I updated this.

We're engaged. I have a lovely ring, and we're in the process of getting our own place. :)
I got my lip pierced--totally spur of the moment, but I love it.
My first semester at UA is OVER...and it didn't turn out so bad, but I'm so ready for the next one to start.
I found a job that I actually kinda like, and pays...not too terribly.

It's two days after Christmas, and I'm officially done with all the Christmas song and dance.
I received the complete works of William Shakespeare, gift cards to Chipotle, Subway, and the UA bookstore, some really pretty jewelry (including a bracelet that my stepdad had made for me), the Planet Earth dvds, a textbook that I need for next semester for FREE from a friend, and over 300 dollars cash.

More later. Gotta kill some zombies with the bro.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

One year.

I cannot believe how lucky I am to be engaged to a wonderful, amazing man that I've been dating for a year today.

I love you, Wesley.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Fuck you, NAU.

I just met with the School of Music advisor. A music minor is 20 credits, with 9 of them as upper division units. I have 19, with 6 upper div units. Sooooo, I need 1 credit to finish, but 3 upper division. Which means that after this semester, I have enough credits (20) for the minor, but I have to take classes for at least another year to get my upper div credits.

I think I'll be going through theory five. Awesome.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Problems with the UA

There is a very blatant lack of outlets, especially in the lounges in the Student Union Memorial Center

Almost everyone has a laptop. The lounge I ate my lunch in had ONE outlet. Not cool, UA, not cool.

I Love Al Franken

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Random thought.

One thing that really, really pisses me off.

The birth control pill does not kill embryos. It stops a woman from ovulating so that the sperm has no chance of meeting an egg to form an embryo.

I'm going to kick the next person I meet that says birth control pills kill babies.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Third Post of the Day.

Say whaaaa?

I got my new charger, finally.

I was perusing threadless (paycheck, YES) and can only afford one for Wes and one for myself, but I can't decide on the one for myself. This is the shirt I'm buying for Wes (because he's so fucking humble all the time). Mine, I'm choosing from one, two, three, and four. I can't decide. Faithful readers (who the hell am I kidding? I'm the only one that reads this damn thing), which one? I will probably buy them all eventually, and right now, I'm leaning toward three and four.

Speaking of money, my job ended last week, and I'm officially on my last paycheck. Anyone have ideas on jobs in Tucson? Any? Please?

Tucson. I love you. I love monsoons. I love watching Adult Swim on Saturday nights (PJs, Boondocks, and anime. Fucking YES), even when the person who made me start watching it isn't around to share.

Excitement! Wesley decided he wants to have an actual wedding. Well. Not wants, per se, but can see that I don't really want to get married in the courthouse and will compromise with me for my sanity and his. YAY. Now my researching and obsessing and dreaming will not have gone to waste. I'll be marrying my best friend, and that is the way it's supposed to be. :-)

Because everyone needs a random meme

My username is bright eyed cello girl...because when I made this blog, I was feeling completely optimistic, and totally in love with the music I was making.
My title is land locked blues. It used to be northern lights, and then I moved from flagstaff to tucson and needed something different, because I now live in the southernmost metro area of Arizona. Now, I'm hundreds of miles away from any ocean or body of water. Also, it's a Bright Eyes song, and it reminds me of better times (kinda)
My subtitle is trying to find my own little slice of happiness in the desert. And I have.
My default user pic is not here. I thought I had one, but apparently not.

So, that was pretty lame. Mostly because I stole it from someone's lj, and I don't have an lj. But yeah. Today got much, much better. A few hours after I posted that last one, the boy called me to let me know he had been transferred and I could see person. Not video. So today, I got to hug him, kiss him, and hold his hand. For an entire hour. And I get to do the same thing on our anniversary (one year, holy bejeezus). And then I get him back for good on the 23rd. I really do love him.

How I feel today.

I am depressed. I miss my boy. I feel guilty as fuck for flirting with boys who don't know me (or him). I'm proud of myself for deciding I'm not hiding anymore. I'm tired. I'm sick of drunks and the male portion of the human race. I can't wait to see Wesley again.

I'm lonely.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Afterbirthers Demand To See Obama's Placenta

WASHINGTON–In the continuing controversy surrounding the president's U.S. citizenship, a new fringe group informally known as "Afterbirthers" demanded Monday the authentication of Barack Obama's placenta from his time inside his mother's womb. "All we are asking is that the president produce a sample of his fetal membranes and vessels—preferably along with a photo of the crowning and delivery—and this will all be over," said former presidential candidate and Afterbirthers spokesman Alan Keyes, later adding that his organization would be willing to settle for a half-liter of maternal cord plasma. "To this day, the American people have not seen a cervical mucus plug, let alone one that has been signed and notarized by a state-certified Hawaiian health official. If the president was indeed born in the manner in which he claims, then where is his gestation sac?" Keyes said that if Obama did not soon produce at least a bloody bedsheet from his conception, Afterbirthers would push forward with efforts to exhume the president's deceased mother and inspect the corpse's pelvic bone and birth canal.

This. This is why I love the Onion, and why I wish I was a better writer. Satire could be the way to go for me. It's the way I talk, and I can't figure out when I lost the link between my brain and fingers.

Friday, August 28, 2009

One week down...

Trad 104...meh. I was really hoping for better. I'll stay in it, because it'll be a crazy easy A.
Indv 102...I'm more excited for this class than I was before. Our discussion TA is awesome, but the section itself is full of California valley girls who are idiots. (Questions heard today, no joke, included "do we really only get the weekend" "do we need to read" and "do we need to go to lecture")
Ling 178 isn't getting any better. Thankfully, I have two people in that class who know what's going on...unlike me.
Phys 102 isn't going to be simple, but it'll be easier because I've already taken physics once before. I like that all our homework is online.
Nats 104 is going to rule. I'm so excited for this class. I love genetics and evolution and all that stuff...
Orchestra...I'm still not sold, but I'm gonna stick with it at least for this semester.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Froshmore Year.

So, this year is a bit odd for me. Classes start on my birthday, UA can't decide what transfers and deems me a freshman again, and I'm back in orchestra.

Yeah, you read that right. I'm back in orchestra. I got a facebook message from my high school orchestra director (side note: LOL ex director facebook) that basically said one of the UA orchestras is light on the low end and needs cellists. I pondered that for awhile, and then decided what the hell. Nothing to lose by going to talk to the conductor, right? Well, I've now been set up with an instrument, my work schedule has been altered, and I guess I'm a member of the UA Phil.

Bwah? All in the space of 24 hours. I'm glad I'm doing it, though. I do miss playing. I don't miss being in a practice room forever. It'll be a good way to meet people. I think it'll be good for me, honestly. And the phil is the non-major orchestra, so it's less of a time commitment (2 concerts a semester instead of 4 or 5)

First up...Comparative Religions. Now, because it's a gen ed class and not a religions dept class, we're only covering the Abrahamic religions. I'm pretty bummed about that, not gonna lie, but it seems like it'll be a good class. I've heard the teacher is biased towards Christianity, but pretends not to be, so that'll be interesting, but so far, he just seems like a jolly older gent who has lots of stories to tell. This will more than likely be my easiest class.
Next...That One I Can Never Remember the Name Of. Actually, it's Many Ways of Being Human. As far as the instructor says, the course is mainly about inequalities in the world and environmental issues. Odd combo, but okay. The textbooks are (apparently, I haven't cracked them yet) written by a "radical sociologist" and then the 2006 World Bank something or other, so that we get "both sides." Uhh huh. Sure. Both sides. The prof says "hokayyy?" a lot and is very sweaty. This one will be pretty easy too, no tests or quizzes, just homework and an optional (!) final.
Break time!
LING 178. The Mathematics of Language and Linguistics. I was so excited for this class, and then I went in and it's taught by a Chinese grad student. Greeaaaat. More difficult, but not impossible.
My last class of the day (after a 2 hour break) is physics 102. Also taught by a grad student, but he's in his 6th year of PhD work, so I trust him a bit more. This is going to make or break my semester, and therefore my gpa. I took physics my junior year of high school and worked my ass off for a B, so I'm hoping enough of the conceptual stuff stuck and it'll just be the math I have problems with.

Um, yeah, I think that's it. Other than I need my paycheck so I can put money on my meal plan.

I'm going to get an instrument tomorrow, then I have one class, a 2 hour break, work, and orchestra.