Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Year's Resolutions...or something.

I suppose I'm about a month behind...but I need to get these somewhere. I'm not really one for resolutions, but I know there're things that I need to change. (Plus, an update on my October resolutions, woo!)

First, updates.
Stop procrastinating? Hasn't happened. Right now, I'm putting off a paper.
Practice every day. It got better, but I haven't had a lesson yet this semester.
Read or write for enjoyment at least three times a week- I whittled that down to once a week, because I have no time. I did read 3 books over break, though. Go me!
Be a kinder person...I think I'm doing well on that one. You'd have to tell me, though.
Talk to my mom more often. Hah.
Go to InterVarsity every week? Nope. Honestly, I don't know that I'm Christian. Spiritual, yes. Christian, not really. I'm not a fan of organized religion. I don't think I ever will be.

Aaaaand resolutions!

STOP PROCRASTINATING. Obviously, I still have problems with that. I probably always will. But I really, really, really need to get over it. I can't keep leaving papers until the week of, day before, day that they're due. It kills my grades and my self-esteem and ARGH.

Take care of my appearance. A few days ago, Wesley told me that I can be "plain and unassuming at times, but sometimes, you're downright gorgeous." I honestly did not know how to respond to that. I really don't think that I'm all that good looking, but he's been amazing telling me how beautiful he thinks I am. I guess sometimes I just decide it isn't worth the effort to do my makeup, find cute clothes, and blah blah blah. I really do want to make myself look more presentable, but I've had a freakin horrible time finding cute clothes that fit and look good. I'm hoping he can help me out with that one...I know he thinks my body's amazing and he wishes I'd show it off more, but I'm really really not comfortable enough with myself to do that.

Move to Tucson. I'm so ready to get out of here. I am lonely here, I can count the number of friends I have on one hand, and I'm not doing music after this semester, so there's no reason for me to stay here. But before I do that, I need to...

Pass all my classes. Simple enough.

Find a job and keep it all semester. If I plan on moving to Tucson and going to UofA, I will not have any help from my parents. I need to find a job (yesterday), keep it for the entire semester, and save most of the money I make at said job so that I can afford to live and go to school somewhere else.

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