Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This little song is about second chances...

As much as I hate it, I'm realizing that there are just some relationships that I had that weren't healthy and it's a really good thing that they've ended, no matter how painful it is.

On the upside of that, I'm also finding the people who really care about me and would do anything to make sure I'm happy and healthy, and I give thanks every day for them.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I'm starting to dread waking up in the morning, the routine of class after class, day after day.

This isn't how college is supposed to be. This isn't how it's supposed to be if I'm doing something I love....right?

It feels like I'm squandering my life away in the music building. I can only practice so much, and I'm starting to resent cello.

I'm starting to hate the honors program. We write far too many papers in the required freshman English, and really? Why make me take two semesters of English instead of getting on with other things that I could be taking?


Monday, October 27, 2008

I don't wanna cycle or recycle revenge

I've realized that I don't take anything seriously enough. Mostly with school, and especially with my music classes. I have this bad habit of ignoring things that are easy, and panicking when I realize my grade is low. It's happening right now in Sightsinging and Dictation, and it will happen in my English class. It's already happened in piano. I just want to take classes that interest me. Sightsinging? Not so much. Class piano? Definitely not. English? Sorta, but not the stuff we're covering.

I'm thinking about changing my major. Not just thinking, definitely seriously considering. I don't think performance will get me anywhere, and I don't think I'll be able to cut it...especially considering the history of this studio. My professor hasn't graduated a performance major from her studio in at least five years, and she can't even prepare people to pass their upper-division juries (sorry. music speak.). I want to do a music degree, but not performance and definitely not education. I need to check on if my scholarship is affected by me being a BA student instead of a BMPerf, and what the requirements are.

I know I won't make it in performance. There aren't enough jobs, and I'm not good enough. I don't want to teach. I'm really thinking about finishing my music degree (I'm paying for it, I'm going to do something I want to do...) and then going to med school. I've always wanted to do something in psychology or psychiatry, but I'm not positive what. Maybe I'll find some other medical field that I love and...yeah. Something needs to change. I can't perform my entire life, and I want to help people. I'm meant to do some good in this world, I can feel it.

A few side notes:
There's a full on politics/election post in the works. Hang tight.
I may be moving this blog over to WordPress.

I am completely and totally in love.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Don't waste your time on me, you're already a voice inside my head.

I don't know what it was about today.

I slept through piano, even though I intended to go. Went to Starbucks instead. Read and drank coffee for awhile. Went to choir. The concert on Sunday is seriously going to suck. Went to sightsinging. That class always sucks, but it was particularly bad today. Grabbed a quick lunch. Went to my lesson, which was actually pretty good. Came back to my room, talked to the boyfriend. Up until about 3 pm, my day was just ok. It could have been better, but it also could have been worse. And then I had to go to symphony. Orchestra has been frustrating...fun, but frustrating. WE CAN'T BE CHANGING SHIT TWO DAYS BEFORE A CONCERT. Argh. And it didn't help that it was hot on stage, and my back hurt, and I just did not want to be there. I don't know. I'm ready to play new music, even if it is music for Opera Scenes. So that sucked. After symphony, I came back to my room, and just cried for about an hour. I told everyone that I was taking a nap, but no. Definitely just crying. I miss the boy, I'm frustrated with school, I'm slightly homesick, and I feel like no one up here really cares. I miss my friends (the real family) who are currently scattered across the country. I hurt, emotionally and physically.

Wow. Just looked at my mirror. I look like I haven't slept in weeks. ::sigh::

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I think I've rediscovered the passion that put me here.

Friday, October 3, 2008

I still owe you for the hole in the floor...

I suck at keeping New Year's resolutions, so I've made myself some beginning of October resolutions.

Stop procrastinating.
I am such a procrastinator. I really thought it would get better. I told myself it would get better. I got organized. I stayed organized, for once. For a few weeks, I stopped procrastinating, and actually did things the day they were assigned...and now I'm back to leaving papers til the day they're due. I'm frustrated with myself. I know it needs to change, because I'm busier than ever and every hour of my day is as packed as I can make it, but I lose steam after a few weeks...although, a few weeks is better than a few days, which is how I used to be. But it isn't just with school work. Cleaning, laundry, practicing, everything. I put everything off.
Practice every day.
I've gotten into a bad habit of going to my lesson on Wednesday and not practicing until Monday, and then freaking out because I'm so unprepared. I'm not as much of a musician as I could be because of this habit, and I want to progress more than I have in the past five weeks.
Read or write for enjoyment at least three times a week.
I miss reading and writing for myself. I don't think I've read anything because I wanted to since I moved up here, and I know that other than a couple short entries here, I haven't written anything. It's weird. I used to read constantly, and write almost as much. It was very therapeutic, and right now I do need that.
Be a kinder person.
This one's tough. After the whole roommate fiasco, I thought it was all her. But then I thought about it and realized that this sarcastic shell I put up to protect myself does nothing but hurt the people around me, even when I don't realize it. Obviously, the last thing I want to do is upset the people I care about, but that's what I often inevitably do. J has been an amazing force in my life in the past year, but in the past six weeks, especially, making me think of things from other people's point of view, helping me live in the moment, and be more calm about everything. He and the boyfriend are chipping that shell apart, one piece at a time, and re-exposing me to the world that I tried to shut myself out of for so long.
Talk to my mom more often.
We were never close when I was growing up, and now that I've moved out and we aren't arguing all the time, we have a better relationship, but I know I don't talk to her enough. My bad.
Be a healthier person.
This goes with all aspects of my life, not just physical health. I need to lose weight, not just because I want to look better, but because I don't like being out of breath when I walk up the stairs (although, being thinner is a plus). It's mental health--I need to come to terms with things that happened in my past, even if that means bringing back memories I don't want to relive ever again.
Go to InterVarsity every week.
I guess this kinda fits the health thing- my spiritual health. J is trying to get me involved with my faith again...after I turned 13, I completely lost all sense of direction, and even if Christianity isn't where I end up, I need to start somewhere, because right now, I don't believe anything, and it's killing me.
Remember why I chose this path for myself.
Last night, I took a 20 minute break to prepare my brain for Bach, and TubaMan was taking his own 20 minute decompression break, playing Postal Service and Something Corporate on the piano in the room across from me. I went in there to ask him a serious question, and it turned into us just talking for 20 minutes. Pretty awesome. One of the things he told me, though, was that at Fall Kickoff, one of the speakers talked about how before college, the reason people go into music is all passion. By college, you're completely focused on technique, and a lot of people forget the passion and that initial love for the music they're making. I still love it. I still love playing my instrument. I'm not to the point where I can completely stop thinking about my technique and just play; I won't be for a very long time. But I can play something and take a moment to remember why I do it--because I love it.

Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm just a fucked up girl looking for a little peace of mind.

Wow. I was so right. This weekend was worth the wait and more. He is the perfect person for me, and I am so lucky to have found someone like him. He makes no excuses for himself, and won't let me try to make excuses for my shit. He loves me for who I am. He wants me for my body and my mind. I've found guys who want one or the other, but he truly appreciates both. He has all this crap that he's been through, but all he seems concerned with is helping me with my problems...and I don't understand how one person's heart can be that big.

I love just being with him. I miss the feeling of his hand in mine, and it's going to be hard to fall asleep tonight without him here holding me (even though, let's face it, two tall people in a twin sized dorm bed sucks, a lot...). Bleh. He's the one person I feel truly comfortable with, and he's 400 freakin miles away.

Friday, I picked him up from the Greyhound station and skipped rehearsal to hang out with him. We didn't do anything other than lay in the grass and just talk. On Saturday, we decided to walk around downtown (I wanted to go exploring!) and got some really good food, and did too much walking in sandals. Sunday, we went out for breakfast and then (I) decided I wanted to get a movie to watch, so we did some more walking and got Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (somehow, I haven't seen it, but it's on his top 5, and now it's in mine, too.) I am Clementine, in so many ways. All the in between times were just spent sitting somewhere and talking...and even though he's ADD and can't sit still for more than 15 minutes at a time, it was still amazing. That's what I'll miss the most. I showed him my two places I go to write or just think, and now that someone has shared them with me, they aren't the same. Now they're us. And damn, do I like the sound of that. I really do think I'm falling in love with him. We walked back downtown on Saturday night for dinner, it poured, we almost jinxed the penultimate Diamondbacks game of the season, it poured some more, we walked some more...it didn't even matter that it was probbaly 40 degrees and raining outside...all that mattered, at that moment, and all weekend, was that we were together.

I took him to the Greyhound station this morning, and I missed him before he got on that bus. It was bizarre, walking those same paths through campus that (literally) just hours before I had been walking with him...I've just never felt like this with anyone else.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I've been waking up with cramps in my legs lately. Two days ago, I woke up to one so bad behind my right knee that I was in tears. It still hurts. And not just a "oh, my leg hurts" pain...a "holy shit I can't put any weight on my right leg" pain. So much for yoga class. I should really go to InterVarsity tonight, but I don't know if I'll be able to make it up there. I'm wondering if I really messed up my one good knee. This seriously sucks.

Aside from the continous physical pain, which is nothing new, I'm in a little bit of emotional pain (isn't really anything new, either...). I miss knowing that everything is going to work itself out...and I miss the assurance of having a boyfriend, knowing that there's someone there to listen to me if I just need to talk and is always on my side...but The Boy was a bad boyfriend. Tall and Mysterious is going to make a great one, if it works out. But somehow, I keep picking guys that are on the opposite side of the state from me...but he's making an actual attempt to come visit me.

Sight-singing and dictation is hurting my brain.

Arguments with friends are hurting my soul.

Rearranging dorm rooms hurts my toe (I dropped something on it.)

Sitting in symphony rehearsals hurts my back.

Practicing for hours at a time hurts my fingers.

Remembering the death of a loved one hurts my heart.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

fever dream

I have no idea what happened. This was supposed to be perfect, but you say I'm "bringing you down" and you want to move out. I wish you would have told me sooner. I would never say anything to hurt you. Not on purpose. I understand that this has been hard for you, but it hasn't been a cakewalk for me, either. I'm just better at hiding my emotions. I guess it's just hard for me when you talk about The Perfect Boy, and I'm still looking for him...and I like to think I've found him, and then you point out his shortcomings. I don't know what I'm doing here, and I don't know why I'm wasting my time. I know you miss your family, and can't figure out why I don't...but I do, more than I thought I would. And more than that, I miss my friends. You and A have changed since we moved...maybe you haven't changed, but I'm realizing that I can't be around the two of you all the time. And I miss the friends in the Valley that were my family. Some days, I feel like I've made a huge mistake moving up here...I don't want us to not be friends after this, but I don't think I can spend all my time with you anymore, otherwise we really will sabotage our friendship by the end.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Freshman Update 1

Well, I'm a week in and I love it more than I could have ever imagined. I knew it would be a good change for me, but this is pretty much the perfect situation for me.

I moved out, the parents left, and I turned 18. I started classes, placed second to last chair in symphony (ha.) and am living with my best friend. I've hung out with all the people I love more than I ever did in high school. I've stayed up late, laughing about nothing. I've shared meals with the most amazing people, taken long walks around campus, and done whatever the fuck I want for an entire week, and I have another four years of this. I love my life. I love my friends.

If laughing really does make you live longer, this experience will add years to our lives.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I don't want to.

I thought I was so ready for this, but I'm really not. I'm excited, but it hit me a few days ago that I really don't know what to expect, and that kinda scares me a lot.

I've been packing all day, and really, the only thing I've managed to get done is rip my room apart and shove all my clothes into 3 suitcases. So, my clothes (except for what I'm wearing for the next 8 or 9 days) are packed. And that is it. Nothing has been cleaned, nothing has been packed, but I have had a mini-breakdown and dumped it on him...and he came through with flying colors. Again. Somehow, no matter how much I'm freaking out, he knows exactly what to say to make me feel better. Mini-breakdowns seem to be the theme of this summer...and always while I'm cleaning (physically or mentally). I've probably cried more this summer than I have in the past three years, and I'm glad. Crying makes me think, and as much as I hate it, my head is always clearer after a long crying jag. I think I'm a different person today than I was on May 22nd, and the person I was on May 22nd is different than the one I was when I started senior year...things that happen.

Senior year was crazy. I found out who my true friends were, and there was even more of that during this summer. I realized that graduating really does pull you away from the people that are still in high school, no matter how close you are to them. I'm really glad that BFF is my roommate for next year. Shit. Nine days. Which means there's only what, twelve til I'm legal? Sweet. I'm completely ready for college...but I'm starting to feel anxious and a little apprehensive. Not as cocksure as I usually am about everything. I can't imagine how I would have been if I had ended up at East Coast Women's College or Large California Public University...probably a nervous wreck. But instead, I'm only a little nervous, and counting on the fact that I'm only a two hour drive from home to calm me down.

I'm sure that once I'm there, I'll be fine.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I love my Diamondbacks. Been to three games in the past week, in fact. They've lost all three, but it was still good times. I think I've been to more games this summer than I have in the past nine seasons combined. I've become something of a fanatic this year, and I like it. What I don't like, however, is the assumption that because I'm female I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to baseball. J and I went to the second game of the Braves series on Friday night. She's a lifelong Red Sox fan, I'm a lifelong Diamondbacks fan, and we got in an argument about the DH. She likes it, I don't. The two men in front of us seemed to think we were a novelty- keeping score, knowing what we were talking about, knowing the importance of different statistics, making fun of the RallyBacks (baseball bimbos)...well, excuse me for living, eating, and breathing baseball. I can't help that I choose to know more about a sport than most guys.

Speaking of...guys? If you want a girl who likes baseball, you should look amongst your own friends first. I have so many guy friends that love baseball who say things like "I wish I could find a girl that likes baseball..." I just want to say. "Um...HELLO. right here. Yeah, hi." That goes for any other random interest, not just baseball. Also...if you find a girl who says she likes baseball, test her by watching a game at home, not taking her. You may have found the girl who will say she likes anything for a guy to like her...and she'll end up being the girl that wears the heels to a baseball game for the trudge to the nosebleeds. BAD.

I love baseball. I don't always know what I'm talking about (sabremetrics, anyone?), but I do try. I would drop any plans for a chance to go to a game...but I've imposed a ban from Chase Field on myself for the rest of the season. Maybe they'll stop losing.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Next weekend, I might end up doing something that I thought I would never do.

I think I'm setting myself up to break my own heart, this time.

(How many times can I break before I shatter?
Over the line can't define what I'm after)

Thursday, August 7, 2008


My high school started classes yesterday. It's weird, not being there...but I don't miss it. At all. I'm packing for college, and that thought freaks me out. I thought I was ready for this...but I thought wrong.

The roadtrip was absolutely amazing. I'm giving up on tanning, though, because my Irish skin just doesn't like the sun- I got no color at the beach, but in the same amount of time at a baseball game, with the same amount of sunscreen, I got a bizarre sunburn on the tops of my thighs, face, and scalp, along with a kick ass flip flop tan.

NAU move-in is in 13 days.
My 18th birthday is in 16 days.

Yeah, I'm not counting down, or anything...but holy shit. I have less than two weeks.

Monday, August 4, 2008


I had a fantastic time.

And we didn't get too horribly lost...home in one piece. That's always good, right?

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Well, yeah...

Who's ready for absurd amounts of caffeination?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


BFF and I leave between 5 and 6 am Friday for our trip, and it is going to be quite the adventure... She's never been to California. I've never driven there. I've been by myself, but it's always been on a plane, meeting someone at the airport. So, BFF has no idea where she's going, and you've got me as navigator. I am the most directionally challenged person I know...and I get to handle the map. WOO. We are probably going to get hopelessly lost somewhere in Southern California, but it will be fantastic, and I am so excited.

Tomorrow, we're having a huge trip to Target for roadtrip essentials- soda, sunscreen, snacks, and trashy magazines, mostly- and whatever else we think we'll need. I might grab a couple beach towels, just so we don't deplete my family's supply over the (very hot 114 degree) weekend. I already bought myself a couple really cute bikinis, so no swimsuit shopping will be necessary, thank God.

I'm so glad I turned down other trip offers to go with her. This will be brilliantly retarded (thank you, John Oliver, for putting that on the Daily Show) as only we could do it.

I'm not sure whether or not I'll be taking the laptop. Grandma doesn't have wireless, but pretty much anywhere we go in SoCal will. I'm the first to admit that I am pretty much completely addicted to Facebook and my email, and although I'm sure I'll be ok without it for a couple days, I'm not sure how everyone in cyberspace will react. I need a break from the drama of the past week...but I do need to stay updated, because I'm still involved in this mess.

So, we're down to the hour countdown! :-D
32 hours til the roadtrip with the BFF.
21 days til I move out/in.
24 days til I turn 18.
25 days til classes start.

I'm such a fool for you...

Possibly my favorite song ever.

Linger, by the Cranberries.

If you, if you could return
Don’t let it burn, don’t let it fade
I’m sure I’m not being rude
But it’s just your attitude
It’s tearing me apart
It’s ruining everything
And I swore, I swore I would be true
And honey so did you
So why were you holding her hand
Is that the way we stand
Were you lying all the time
Was it just a game to you

But I’m in so deep
You know I’m such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger
Do you have to, do you have to
Do you have to let it linger

Oh, I thought the world of you
I thought nothing could go wrong
But I was wrongI was wrong
If you, if you could get by
Trying not to lie
Things wouldn’t be so confused
And I wouldn’t feel so used
But you always really knew
I just wanna be with you

And I’m in so deep
You know I’m such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger
Do you have to. do you have to
Do you have to let it linger

And I’m in so deep
You know I’m such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger
Do you have to, do you have to
Do you have to let it linger

You know I’m such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger
Do you have to, do you have to
Do you have to let it linger

It's taken on a whole new meaning this past week.

Monday, July 28, 2008

More letters.

This one was just angry. And will be sent...just not sure when. I may even post it on here.

Roadtrip- 3 days.
Moving Out- 23 days.
Birthday- 26 days.
Classes start- 27 days.

Can't come soon enough.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Searching for serenity.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference.

I'm searching for the serenity to accept the things I've learned over the past 72 hours, the courage to change my behavior, and the wisdom to know when not to get involved.
Why is this so damn hard?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Go placidly amidst the noise and haste
and remember what peace there may be in silence
As far as possible without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others;
even the dull and ignorant, for they too have their story
Avoid loud and aggressive persons for they are vexatious to the spirit

If you compare yourself with others you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your career, however humble,
for it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time

Exercise caution in your business life for everywhere there is trickery
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism

Be yourself

Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings;
many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars.

You have a right to be here

And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Be at peace with God, whatever you conceive him to be
And whatever your labors and aspirations, keep peace in your soul
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams it is still a beautiful world

Be cheerful

Strive to be happy.

-Max Ehrmann 1927

I was reminded through a friend's note on Facebook today that this was part of the speech I did not pay attention to given by a teacher I did not have at our 8th grade promotion ceremony. It is such a beautiful sentiment, and one that I wish I had heard every day of my life from the day I turned thirteen and my life spiraled out of control. This is something I plan on reading every time I think something isn't worth it.
I have a folded up copy of the Serenity Prayer in my wallet-it's actually a page out of my best friend's dad's memorial service program- and I'm surprised it hasn't fallen apart yet. Once I get my printer set up, I'll be printing this out and keeping it in my wallet with that page.
The Serenity Prayer...seems fitting for what happened yesterday.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.


32 days til classes start
31 days til my birthday
28 days til I move to Flagstaff
8 days til the roadtrip with the BFF.

Saw Dark Knight yesterday...that's my choice for best movie of the year. Heath Ledger was absolutely brilliant as the Joker. There were definitely some things that they overdid, but overall, it was a great movie.

There was definitely some drama last night...but I don't know that I want to talk about it on here. Maybe later.


I don't appreciate being harrassed.
Please stop, whoever you are. I don't know you, and you don't know me.

Thank God.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Today, I wrote.
I wrote a few of those letters that you never send- to people that have been treating me terribly and to people I just want to rant at- and then deleted them off my computer.
I kept and revised one of those letters to a person who has treated me badly this week- and sent it. It might not make any difference, but it made me feel better, since he is ignoring me, and I needed to get some things out of my head and on to paper (well, email.)
And possibly the most important one: I wrote a letter to the man I think I'm falling in love with. Not to tell him that I'm falling in love with him; he already knows that. Instead, to tell him all the reasons why. It wasn't meant to be what it turned into...in fact, I don't even know what I meant it to be. I just knew I wanted to write him a letter. But then I started writing, and as often happens with me and my silly brain, I couldn't stop (reminds me of a lyric..."if I get it all down on paper it's no longer inside of me, threatening the life it belongs to"). That's okay, though. I like how it turned out. It doesn't sound like a letter. It sounds like me. A physical thing to keep when I'm not with him...which is often.

12 days til BFF and I go on our roadtrip.
32 days til I move out of my house.
35 days til I turn 18.
36 days til I start college.
This summer is kicking so much ass.

I want to say that I'll be able to update this a lot more during school, but the harsh reality is that that is probably just not going to be possible. I just don't have a lot to say right now. Not a ton happening...But I know that college is going to give me a lot to ponder and a lot of new experiences, so I want to be sure I ponder them in a way that I can go back and look at them later. Maybe. We'll see...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I am worth more than how you treat me.

As much as I love my family, my little brother is one of the worst people I know. He is emotionally and verbally abusive and manipulative, and I see him turning into our biological father more and more every day. He treats me like dirt, and is the biggest reason I am so ready to move out. I have amazing friends, who mean just as much to me as my family does and sometimes more, and they have helped me realize that I am worth so much more than how I'm treated at home. At home, I am at best an inconvienience; at worst, a waste of space. They wonder why I choose to go out rather than stay in with them, and it's because, even though we can laugh together one moment, the next instant my brother is calling me a cunt and my mom is getting mad at me for it. I've never been close to my mom. I don't know why, we just aren't. Maybe it's the past ten years of her pushing me a little bit too hard, and I couldn't let her see me fail. The fact that I'm moving out is starting to repair our relationship, because neither of us want me to leave on bad terms. I just don't fit in with my family, and like I told my cousin's (then fiance, now) husband Paul at Thanksgiving, I sit there and sometimes it feels like I'm looking in at someone else's family. It doesn't feel like I belong with the family I was born into. Don't get me wrong, I know that in the grand scheme of family problems, I have it pretty damn good. I have three parents that love me and a great extended family...but my immediate family is pretty dysfunctional.

I need to experience life and love on my own.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


It's been three weeks without my cello, and a month since I played.
I'm going crazy. I thought a break would be good for me, but I didn't think that break was going to be more than a month...but the break has been good. I've been able to think about things other than cello, and this has definitely shown me that this is what I want and need to do. That said, I want to play again. NOW. The excerpts are out for college auditions, and I need to get those prepared, and I just need to play again. But it makes me happy that I'm going crazy- it definitely proves to me that I was right the whole time, that this is something I can't do without, and it completely validates my choice to switch from education to performance.

I am a month removed from high school, and I never want to go back. I went to Orientation a couple weeks ago, and while it was completely pointless, I had a really good time, and I'm excited for school...and that brings me to the next one.

In two months, I will be legal and a college student. Hells yes.
First- I will be legal. 18. Able to buy porn and cigarettes and such. Exciting, I suppose, but the birthday I'm really looking forward to is 21.
Second- I will be a college student. I have a pretty easy schedule for the fall semester- only 14 units. Most of those are music classes- class piano, harmony, sight-singing, lessons, 2 orchestras, a choir, and then the honors seminar and english. I'm just excited to be in college.

Enough milestones and countdowns.
I'm still looking for a job.
I still have amazing friends.
I still have a great guy.
I still want it to be August.

Friday, June 20, 2008

It's outrageous

how happy I am right now.

I have amazing friends.
I have a mostly amazing family.
And I have an amazing boy.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


She's done.
I encourage everyone to read Brilliant at Breakfast's take on it...


That's what I was going to say.

In other news, I saw the Strangers tonight. Fucking awesome. I love horror movies almost as much as I love roller coasters and music. Hooray for adrenaline rushes. Obviously isn't going to happen to me, but I still scared myself when I came home. The movie ended up being funny, just because every time something even slightly frightening happened, future roomie screamed. Yep.

Monday, June 2, 2008


Here's numero uno on the list of Things That Bug The Crap Out of Me.
1) Somehow, just because I'm young, my opinion doesn't matter as much or at all. Sorry, but I have opinions too. And my opinions are going to change the world. So suck it up and listen, dammit.

That said, here is one of those opinions.
HRC needs to give it up. She needed to give it up a long time ago.

At first, I was super excited about her candidacy, just like I was when Pelosi became Speaker of the House. I love that I'm coming of age in a time when women can and do run the free world- Oprah, anyone?- and that just gets me so excited for the next generation of women, born into a world where a woman can do almost anything. But it's the fact that it's only an almost that gets me. We still only make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. It is still a man's world. Moreover, it's a white man's world. But I am SO tired of HRC and Geraldine Ferraro and Chris Matthews saying that she's only losing because she is a woman. That is complete and utter horsecrap. That may be a reason, but it isn't the only reason. She came in thinking she could run another Bill race- at the time, a majority liked him and his policies. He brought in some change, yeah. But the change that this generation is looking for is not a Clinton-era change. We want a complete overhaul to a corrupt and broken system, and Clinton can't give us that. I'm not even sure Obama can, but the politics that he embraces aren't the mudslinging, Swiftboating politics of our parents' generation. Maybe I am completely wrong on this...but I would rather not have to choose between Dubya2.0 and a Democrat that reaches so far across the aisle she risks falling into their laps. More of the same.

Do I need to make my point a bit clearer?

Yes, we need a female President. But not her. Not now.

Hmm. Somehow I went from a feminism rant to an anti-HRC rant to a politics as usual rant. weeee!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

i am a child at heart

Today consisted of-
Waking up late, watching baseball, swimming, eating steak, Target, Starbucks, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, future roomie's house for a Disney Princess coloring party.

Yes, we went to three different places before buying 50 colored pencils, 120 crayons, and 3 GIANT coloring books- Disney Princesses, Disney Fairies, and one that had The Incredibles, Toy Story 2, and Monsters Inc. It sounds like a completely childish thing to do, but holy crap was it fun. I colored most of a picture of Ariel before I had to be home. :) Yay for random coloring. It's very relaxing and I now know what my pastime (while not practicing) is going to be in college. COLORING. yess.

I take my cello in tomorrow. Viola boy has to take his viola in too, so he's doing me a huge favor and taking me along. So. No instrument to practice for at least two weeks, which gives me an excuse to 1) not have lessons 2) not make any progress at all on anything 3) be a lazy ass for awhile. Hoorah.

Saturday, May 31, 2008



Why not?

Why can't a woman have any significance in the Catholic Church? It's possible for a woman to be POTUS, but not Pope, or even a priest? bullshit.

well, this is new...

I can now say I've been peed on by a dog. Yes, my puppy peed on me and my bed this morning. Hoorah.

Summer as of now has been mostly uneventful. Went bowling with a couple of friends, went to a baseball game...yeah. But I have managed to keep the promise to myself that I would go out more and hang out with people more than I hang out at my house. Last night was the first night this summer that I spent at home. Definite improvement over last year...

Also...I'm less than proud to say that I've played my cello once since school ended. I dunno. I just haven't really had all that much motivation with no lessons and no performances or auditions to prepare for. Plus, I take my cello in for maintenence on Monday, so I won't have it for at least two weeks, which sucks. But my viola/violin (for all intensive purposes, he's a violist) friend and I are playing a Beethoven duet once I get my cello back, so that's exciting. And I have a concerto to finish learning, and chair audition excerpts to learn...so after June 18...I'll be back on track. I think it is a good thing that I've taken this break, though. Starting August 25th, I'll basically live in a small practice room, so this break was probably a very good thing for my mental health, if not my cello playing.


I am full of contradictions.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


I graduated from high school on May 22, from a large public high school in a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona. It's always said that it never rains on graduation...well, this time was the exception. But that was okay. Who wants to sit outside in an Arizona May anyway? Not me. I never know what to put for first entries, so I'll put in my facebook about me and go from there.

I'm happy, most of the time, but I can also be irresponsible, forgetful and impatient. I get frustrated far too easily. I love classical music, and all other types of music, except for country. I'll even listen to rap sometimes. Music is what I do, and who I am. If you can't deal with me saying "I can't, I have rehearsal/have to practice" you should probably just go away. Also, if you are going to waste my time being apathetic, go away. If you don't know what apathetic means, please buy a dictionary. I own too many sweatshirts. I love going to baseball games. I like taking pictures. I spend too much money. I have a stack of books knee-high in my room that are waiting to be read, but I keep buying more and reading less. My friends are more of a family than my family is. I am passionate and opinionated. I am constantly searching for who I am and what my place is. I'm not convinced that I've found it or that I ever will. I haven't decided what my impact on this world will be, but rest assured, it'll be big.

So yeah. For the most part, that is me. Also. I read a LOT. If I wasn't going to take the crazy path of a music major, I'd probably do either an English degree, or a psych or sociology or polisci degree. People fascinate me. They also frustrate me to no end. I spend too much time on facebook.

I do feel obligated to say that my views may not match with yours, and that's okay. But I won't hide my views from anyone. And anything is fair game for me to write about.