Sunday, December 27, 2009

Busy busy busy

I just realized it's been like 3 months since I updated this.

We're engaged. I have a lovely ring, and we're in the process of getting our own place. :)
I got my lip pierced--totally spur of the moment, but I love it.
My first semester at UA is OVER...and it didn't turn out so bad, but I'm so ready for the next one to start.
I found a job that I actually kinda like, and pays...not too terribly.

It's two days after Christmas, and I'm officially done with all the Christmas song and dance.
I received the complete works of William Shakespeare, gift cards to Chipotle, Subway, and the UA bookstore, some really pretty jewelry (including a bracelet that my stepdad had made for me), the Planet Earth dvds, a textbook that I need for next semester for FREE from a friend, and over 300 dollars cash.

More later. Gotta kill some zombies with the bro.